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This is a two-channel video installation in which voice is given to hacker ethics; how methods of hacking crypto finance may used to rethink of how subjectivities relate to each other. Concepts of care, affection and crypto-solidarity are central in this work by referencing the initiatve "hacking with care" by the online - & citizen activist Jeremy Zimmermann and others.
This video should preferrably be screened with the video Terra Vague, in which the link to the warfare based on logistics software developed in the Global South is discussed. The software of an Israeli company has been used to hack mobile devices held by human rights lawyers, journalists and activists fighting government corruption in Mexico. The strikes referenced this work call for regulating the commercial surveillance market by carefully writing policies, which are required in order to build cases and push for reforms. As the commercial surveillance industry grows, so too must the bridges between planning, policy, and advocacy communities.