stills from the video

Terra Vague gives consideration to hackers’ speeches and strategies responding to the corrupt operation of logistics software that is being tested in and linked to the warfare of the Global South. Against the geopoliticization of planetary urban warfare, emphasis is given on a case, in which Mexican government used software developed by an Israeli company to hack the devices of anti-corruption lawyers and activists in Mexico. This cyber security software has moreover been used by startup companies in the «Start-up Nation». The performers’ and skateboarders’ bodily gestures, and their transmission, performing on HafenCity Hamburg’s territory, aim to propose new social infrastructures for the present.
In Terra Vague’s exercises of rematerialisation, the bodies perform in relation to one other, creating a physical, affective language that remains indeterminate for the time being because the scores, in their emerging structure, are temporarily foreign to the capitalist abstraction. The bodies’ movements interrupt and disrupt the algorithmic streams of data, finance and surveilllance of public space. These bodily constellations perform as self-determined, self-composed durational social endeavours, rehearsing relational accountabilities. Technology has the potential to link agencies worldwide but it may involve politicising co-ordination and envisaging a future in which labour and data and movement critically have to be considered more closely interrelated. These practices, which we refer to as Scaffolding Agency, are to be elaborated on.
What means critical, cultural articulation in a zone that is governed by global corporations and in which public space is owned by private investors? When access and movement are regulated by military interests? How can institutions and public space work together to create infrastructures that replace regulating bureaucracies and propose differentiated strategies, in which (post-)democratic articulation is possible?
A performance circuit generously supported by the Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.