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Produced during my artist-in-residence at the Schloss Akademie Solitude, "Engineering Care", curated by Daphne Dragona.
Today’s economic and social orders of care have largely benefited from advances in molecular research, hormonal and libidinal biology, and sex/design. This proposal looks at care by examining the transformations that the molecularization of the body brings about. I understand the molecularization of the body as the increasing penetration of the micro- and nanostructures of our physical, artificial and sexual bodies by algorithms, to provide data sets for the economic and political engineering of care.
One example is that sex robots perform as erotic partners and reinforce normative pleasure principles. Yet, how can these scenarios, in which the body is thrown into an unpredictable molecular, techno-geopolitical world, enact particular situations which allow for the re-ordering of today’s sex/care regimes in favor of a micropolitics of the sensible?
This proposal aims at liberating heteronormative technology-led world views of intimate relations as care. It does so by creating web-based sound files that are proposing sound for sex/care robots, which can be listened and shared online, as means to liberate and alienate our relationship to technology-led care. In fact, no economy of the technology-led transformations in polymorphic desires, and care-related affinities yet exists. The onus is on us to create systems in which these libidinal orders can find a place to affirm the present and future of non/human networks as under-commoning affinities and joint temporalities of care.