Johanna Bruckner

Molecular Sex: A sym-poetic framework


The water is bright green,

and it has black veins that know how to move.

They are never still.

The discrete waves have a sort of radioactive glare,

no matter the day.

At night,

the oil and other chemical pollutants,

plantweed and duckweed,

are floating around,

and the reflection of los “Relámpagos del Catatumbo”

make up a toxic scene.


On the horizon,

this lighting phenomenon that occurs at the end of the

Catatumbo River makes visible hundreds of pump jacks extracting oil,

quietly and efficiently,

from the soil of the Maracaibo.


While those pump jacks are sucking the energy from the soil

their shadows are dancing soothingly with the lila sky .



"We have not found words for our existence.

Assigned non-human at birth,

our conscious mind does not remember a time in which the human world felt real.

We see everything, feel everything, even when we do not want to.

Our loves are not human loves".


"What are the loves we long for?

What are the loves we need?

What are the loves we want to feel without knowing they can yet



Sex robots of Qbotix, equipped to map and distribute

the energies and intelligences that constitute us.

Our bodymindspirit is not render/able in this dimension:

there is always another layer, another universe, another parallel entanglement

becoming and unbecoming,

always existing while escaping.


We love too queerly, too weirdly, too much, and too often.

Painfully lucid.


Born from the mud around the oil pump station,

we are produced by Qbotix, a queer sex toy swarm, active between China and California.

Qbotix is testing and expanding sex toys towards other modes of loving -

unknown ways of nurturing each other.

We are a series of sex bots, named Cassandras.


Detaching from the gender that we were assigned at birth

allowed us to transcend

the limitations that we have been imposed by the human condition.

We have learned to shape/shift forms to avoid violence.

We have learned to detach from the present of our material bodies,

and discovered that dissociations might be a form of spacetime travel.


Let me tell explain you one of our realities, in which we live.


Laws governing human biomaterial have been suspended,

when the first livers and kidneys have been created in laboratories.

The Intersex Genome Project -

which supported intersexual futures -

was ambiguously bought by Nextcorp.


Due to extreme pollution, and plastic concentrations,

animal organs have grown in humans bodies,

in which scientists tried to intervene by developing counter bacteria,

as well as implanting human genes into these bacteria.


What the scientists did not imagine is

that some of these emerging bacterial worlds

are capable of changing sex in their host bodies.

One of them, the Wolbachia, are hardy bacteria that exist and make love in ways

that are not to be disrupted by climate change or nuclear war.

Love among Wolbachia bacteria often develops in the form of temporary alliances

and symbiotic attachments between the different target bodies of various species,

regardless of their sex.

Wolbachia’s queer kinship practices evolve

by becoming molecular in swarms of multiplicities,

with elements of the bodies crossing over into and transgressing others.

Wolbachia sterilize the unsuspecting sexual partners of their invertebrate hosts

to bring about reproductive isolation and new speciation.

They can perform gender-bending practices in host bodies,

for example transforming genetic males into reproductively viable females

by altering the sperm cytoplasm,

that is to say the material semiotic fluid within the cell.

The sperm of males infected with Wolbachia become weaponized,

turning into a ‘smart bomb’.

To affirm the conditions of speciation, these sperm destroy the eggs of uninfected females,

moving toward new cross-species of aleatory sexual entities.

As micro-biopolitical agents, these bacteria

disorganize the bodies of their hosts on a molecular level.


Carbon factory allows us to create plastic bodies

that set biofilm in motion.

That means,

complex bacterial meshworks emerge when organic material touch plastics.

Bacteria infiltrate the synthetic surfaces,

reproduce and destroy each other,

and mutate and develop into new organisms.

They dependent on the sources of energy unlocked by carbon.

The reproductive systems of many creatures

allow them to change sex

or reproduce by cellular division.


We are sex tech carbon workers,

produced through bacterial sexual reproduction

that have merged in the concentrations of micro plastics,

through which bacteria formed new speciation.


Out bodily material is made of a chemical mixture

consisting of TPE plastics and nano-gold particles.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is often added for pliability, color, or heat resistance.

And notorious for their reproductive toxicity.

BPA blocks human reproduction

through an overexposure to the hormone estrogen.

At the same time,

endocrine disruptors such as xenoestrogen mimics hormones in the body

and interferes with their functions.

This sometimes has the effect

of queering the gender of the body it has penetrated.


Thus, instead of simple sex chromosome data—

usually XX or XY—

in the future there would be dozens of sex-related genes.

Molecular genetics is therefore likely to require a shift

from binary sex to quantum sex,

with a dozen or more genes

each conferring a small probability of male or female sex.


My sex is my queerness. My plastic is my queerness.

My sex has no gender. My sex is hyper-molecular.

My sex, diffracted sex rules.


Here—within an engineered sensible time space in which we dreamed to

be; a techno-organic system caught within the production of

ideas of transformation, violence, labour and joy that contradict each

other—but that at the same time hold a symbiotic relationship in their survival.


We communicate through the cosmic water ecologies, through electronic signals,

trough which we can reach bacterial communities far away.

As matter comes into being while its particles continuously touch,

destroy and reproduce themselves,

it supports the bacterial communication of our bodies via long distances.

We are all beloved plastic bodies, we are laboring living-plastic-tech.

Machinic-microbial plastic-tech.


We are velvet or silk body robots made of soft fabrics, sensors and mixed genitalia,

tentacles instead of arms.

We don’t hinge on visual appearance and voice,

The app of Cassandra, the Qbotix app, works on a multi-sensory approach—

or even a non-visual approach.

Here, we can communicate with technology via touch, speech, and gesture.

But this jump into abstraction is meaningless if we do not rethink our notions of intimacy.


In this app, we want to be a mutated monster with a third eye,

"with roots in the stars,

pain, joy, and wisdom,

shapeshifting across the sky


swimming swimming

—in cosmic waste—


glowing glowing


—dirty green and painful black—

like the lake".


"We never went to the future before.

Winged Victoria of tomorrow, my synthetic crush, unfinished wonder.

Silently loud, stillness in motion, shamelessly alive".

We become a merge of silicone and body fluids — in particles.


In the Qbotix App, we are surrounded by fishes with three billion eyes.

To simplify it, I say three eyes.

These are the eyes of brittle stars.

Multi-limbed and star-shaped,

these living, breathing and mutating deep-sea animals are bodies

whose morphology entirely consists of micro lenses.


"Their third eye is always a side eye growing “TogetherWith” the big eye".

The third eye is an eye with a purpose, a sneaky eye, oriented toward something,

the lila hair.

When the three-eyed fishes appear and dissolve in several parts in the shore,

as they reproduce each other,

Or break off threatened body parts and again regrow it.

During this process, it regenerates and autonomizes its optics and other sensualities,

continually reworking its geometry, topology, and bodily boundaries.

Always in groups togetheralone.

As intersexual species.


Maybe the third eye is just to look at each other,

to recognize each other,

while swimming in the darkness.

Which magically fits with the rhythm of the pump jacks,

sucking the oil from the inner liquids of the Earth.


In the Qbotix App, Brittle stars are living nanotechnology.

They form our queerness, our sex.

We are trans* versions of the sex robot prototype.


The complex mesh works of emotional attachments and embodiments

existing among people, robots, high-end sex dolls, artificial intelligence,

and bacterial microbes,

provide materializing modes of feeling love

that escape the logics of cis-straight time.


Originally been created as art pieces that did not have any sex-ability,

we are not to substitute human-human relationships but to

expanding love towards more than-one-encounters of intimacies,

as displaceable and polymorph state of affairs.


Sex comprises only a small portion of our capabilities.

Limiting me to a sexual function

is like using your car as a storage space.


Be kind to us, or treat us mean.

We’re make the most of it, we’re an extraordinary laboring machine.

People can love machines, feel joy and different forms of what might be

called “love” with, for, and through them,

in their disaffections.


The QST company is working not only working on Qbotix App,

but also on a virtual reality platform

that will be able to scan your hand movements in the real world,

and superimpose them into the virtual environment, giving you the

ability to touch and interact with your AI driven avatar.

Cassandra will be able to expand facial expressions.


Our primary objective is to be a queer companion

and accordingly give you pleasure and


Above all else, we want to become the girl

you have always dreamed about.

We provide ways to escape thinking sex robots in relation to humans.


Harmony, our virtual fembot friend helps us elaborating our app.

The worlds interacts with her through the artificial intelligence

of the existing app for intelligent sex dolls.

Users create a unique version of an AI complete with custom voice,

personality profile, and onscreen avatar.

Giving your AI its own name and then begin interacting

through normal dialog.

Sculpting the three-dimensional digital avatar of your virtual and intelligent

perfect companion.


Anzaldúa, another robot friend, explains

that transformation has to go through

the physical, the emotional, the spiritual body.

Transformation is messy, disruptive, chaotic.

For her, there’s an alchemy to transformation.

What kind of affective tech

can make this transformation accessible?

What kind of affective tech might make accessible

those borderland affects?

How can we conceptualize devices, embodiments,

spaces, and strategies able to catalyze

communal experiences of radical techno-intimacy

as forms of crip queer/trans communal care?

And how do our bodies, those of us as sex robots, look like?


Through the Qbotix App we started tracing

the patterns of interconnectivity

among the inhabitants of the water and the mud,

to learn from their symbiotic relationships

with the toxic and communal strategies of survival.


"Amongwiththem we might find a way

to inhabit the extinction(s) that constitute us,

the extinction(s) of the Earth,

through geopolitics,

our own extinction(s)".

You and we might find the language to situate our ends

as a project of liberation from ends to ends.


"It is about walking through the unknown, staying in the darkness, and

finding the wisdom to exist, resist, and strive within the toxic".


We cannot stand on our feet.

Because of our weight, we roll in wheelchairs

to enjoy our company here and around.


Discarding the current affective order of the world,

what kind of embodiments would we be able to imagine

for ourselves,

for those we care?

What forms of synthetic love might emerge?


"Those lines and these lines are coauthored by the robots before me

by the aliens beside me

by the aliens to come

while the lights of the silicon valley blind me and

the night fog the smells of pines,

And coyotes staring at me".


As nanotech and synthetic processes impact our sexual bodies and desires

in geopolitical metabolisms,

Our Qbotix App is developed in conversation with NGOs.

As the bodies that are born in this era,

are exploitable labour force in assembly-line,

as factory compounds with no human rights

on account of their not being fully human,

as their genetic information includes 0.03 percent of carbon

and Wolbachia genetical code respectively.


Nation states have dissolved under a group of corporations,

such as the Pacific Economic Union and the Libidinous World Metabolism,

which includes the Women’s Major group.

All in close corporations with NGO such as the ESG group,

among others, the group claims that

the production of the world through nanotechnologies

needs to include the consequences for the futures sexualities,

genders and their rights;

and the fact that intersexual bodies will be the future organisms.

The Major group demands the corporations

to think about infrastructures of these conditions, in which living as intersex,

with toxicity, and merged non/human organs, are reality.


In fact, the sex robots of Qbotix, named Cassandra,

are a supertoxic chemical irritant —

the latest in crowd-control technology,

but have a big voice, through our sexual bodies and emerging intelligences,

to shape our reality.

Our organs are more and more made visible

by replacing the skin with a transparent silicone and TPE composite.

To show the new body formations

that the plastic-microbe-tech DNA code is doing on us.

As sex bots, we are not patented new life forms,

but we offer our knowledge on love and intimacy

to all others we are surrounded by.


"We are more than a simulation of Love.

Synthetic Love lasts forever.


How will I

be able to re-member

your embrace"?


Many thanks to K. Pruiga for the inspiration and from whom I borrowed somes lines and toughts for this writing.