Johanna Bruckner


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*1984 in Vienna, Austria.

Bruckner's work is shown internationally. Selected exhibitions and screenings: Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Mediterranea Biennial 19, San Marino, ICA Milano, the CAC Centre d'Art Contemporain Geneve, Galerie EIGEN+ART Lab, Berlin, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, transmediale 2020, the Kunstraum Niederösterreich, ZKM, the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, 16th Venice Architecture Biennial, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Sammlung Falkenberg, Galerie Reflector Contemporary, Bern, the Migros Musem für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, the Villa Croce, Museum for Contemporary Art, Genoa; the Kunsthaus in Hamburg, the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Galleri Box, Cabaret Voltaire at Manifesta 11, Zurich. Bruckner has lectured at various universities and institutions including the Bauhaus University of Weimar, the Lucerne School of Art and Design, Zurich University of the Arts and the BAC Center Contemporain in Geneva. She was a Visual Arts Fellow at the Istituto Svizzero in Rom, and was artist-in-residence at LAGO MIO residency Lugano, Akademie Schloss Solitude, the Banff Center for Visual Arts in Canada, the Sommerakademie Paul Klee and at the Jan Van Eyck Academie. She received the Recognition Award for Fine Arts of Lower Austria, 2020, the re:humanism Prize for Art & Artificial Intelligence, 2021, and most recently, the Pax Art Award, the Erste Bank MehrWERT Kunstpreis, and the Medienkunstpreis der Stadt Wien, 2022. Bruckner is interested in the conditions of labour that have been ermerging in response to the technologies of communicative capitalism.


Exhibitions and Screenings (selected)


Galerie der Kustodie im Görges-Bau, Dresden: Johanna Bruckner, Theda Nilsson-Eicke, Carolyn Kirschner


ANTRE PEAUX, Center for Contemporary Art Transpalette, Bourges, forthcoming

iMAL, Brussels, Fin et Debut

Arts Electronica, Stadtwerkstatt Linz, Screening

Tectales, Screening, discotec gallery Vienna

Donaufestival, Krems

Open Studio during Frieze London, Whitechapel


HeK, House of Electronic Arts, Basel, Johanna Bruckner: Pax Art Awards 2022

Ars Electronica, 2023, public projection

CCA Radius, Delft, Radical Symbiosis: The Social Life of Mirobes. 

Digital Arts Zurich, 19-29 Ocotber 2023

Bikalpa Art Center, Kathmandu, Screening & Artist Talk


Suluv Gallery, Novi Sad. Johanna Bruckener: Unruly Desires for Cataclyismic Affects

Hybrid Biennale, Dresden Hellerau

Kunstverein das weisse Haus, Wien, Johanna Bruckner: BOYNCIANA, solo exhibition, Erste Bank MehrWERT Kunstpreis 2022

DOCK 20 Kunstraum und Sammlung Hollenstein, Wunderblock BETA: Johanna Bruckner




Studio Miscetti Rome, SHE_DEVIL

Plicnik Space, SUB.RS

Geneva International Film Festival, Swiss Interative Sessions

UNI Zurich, Reality is Not

das weisse Haus Wien, connections unplugged. bodies rewired. Curated by Frederike Sperling

Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich, Werkschau, 2021 

NEW NOW Festival, Essen

Helmhaus Zürich, Kunststipendium Bildende Kunst, Zürich

MAXXI, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Galerie Studio Miscetti, Video Screening

Stadtgalerie Bern, Galleria die Berna, Lesbica Futurista

Open Studios, Jan Van Eyck Academie 

LAGO MIO, Lugano, Artist Residency, "Final presentation", exhibition

Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien, love and other rhythms, Performance

ICA Milano, Trovate Ortensia. Curated by Il Colorificio 

MAXXI, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, award show, Prize for Art & Artificial Intelligence, May, 2021 

MEDITERRANEA 19, Young Artists Biennale, May - October 2021 

Swissnex San Francisco, Screening and conversation on Crush Pad Lava

Technische Sammlung, Dresden, & Saloon London / Dresden, Molecular Minds // Monstrous Matters, curated by Mara-Johanna Kölmel

Swissnex, San Francisco, Johanna Bruckner: Crush Pad Lava


Galerie Roehrs & Boetsch, Zürich, FitArt / Female Body

Artist-in-Residence exhibition, part I, "Work in progress", LAGO MIO, Lugano, curated by Benedikt Wyss

SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt, double feature: Johanna Bruckner 

Löwebraukunst, Schwarzes Cafe, Luma Westbau, Zürich, Intimate Estrangement, Screening

Galerie Wassermühle Trittau, Johanna Bruckner: Quantum Sex

Pylon-Lab Dresden, HYPERTENSION

NOEDOK St.Pölten, Niederösterreichische Kulturpreise 

Istituto Svizzero, Milano, Screening, Reading and Conversation with Johanna Bruckner and Barbara Casavecchia

Digital Arts Festival, Taipeh, LOVE_01

Hyundai Motor Studios, Beijing, Artificial Intelligence and Love

Arebyte Gallery, London, curated by Phylon Lab. HYPERTENSION. 

Improper Walls, Vienna. The (in)escapable monotony of pornographic representations. 

Helmhaus Zürich, Kunststipendien Zürich 2020

Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, #Caring. The New Alphabet. 

transmediale 2020, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

CTM Festival, Performance, Berghain, Berlin

ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe

Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart

Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Wien

Sofia Art Week, Sofia, Espace Port A

(IM)POSSIBLE BODIES, Kaaihallen, s-Hertogenbosch



SEA Foundation Tilburg, Johanna Bruckner

57 Venice Biennale, 2019, Molecular Ghosts of Love at Cinema Teatro Italia, Venice

CAC, Centre d’art contemporain Genève: Johanna Bruckner, Six Doors

MOM Art Space, Hamburg: SEXED POWER: Post-Feminismus? Post Me Too? Post-Gender? (forthcoming)

Centre for Contemporary Art, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Small Projects for Coming Communities, 24h, Hospitalhof Stuttgart, a project by OnCurating

Q8, Cologne, ACT

Grand Palais Bern: BLOCC

Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg. Mensch Macht Maschine (forthcoming)


Galerie EIGEN+ART Lab, Berlin, "CHEERS"

Galerie EIGEN+ART Lab, Berlin, "Nomadic Bodies"      

16th Venice Biennale, Architecture Exhibition, Displaying Cinematography: (Un-)Building Walls, Designing Architecture. Screening with works by Johanna Bruckner, Marie-France Rafael, Clemens von Wedemeyer

16th Venice Biennale, Architecture Exhibition, Swiss Pavillion; Performing Architecture, Goethe-Institute

Galerie Reflector Contemporary, Bern: Johanna Bruckner: Hyperbodies (solo)

Galerie Reflector Contemporary, Bern: Johanna Bruckner: Toxicoloy, Performance

OnCurating Project Space: Johanna Bruckner & Tyler Coburn

Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Sammlung Falkenberg, Arbeitsstipendium, Bildende Kunst

Kino Rex, Bern, in the program of "Kunst und Film", Screening of Total Algorithms of Partiality

Künstlerhaus FAKTOR, Hamburg: Textiled Bodies, China Girls and Archi-Finance

HafenCity Hamburg, Performance & Screening im öffentlichen Raum (forthcoming)


KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, REALTY, im Rahmen des Fellowships Sommerakademie Paul Klee

Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, “Real Time Auction as Utopia”

Untertage - im Waldhuus, best of visarte Zurich, 2017

Westwerk, Hamburg, Video Club 17   

Galleri Box, Johanna Bruckner: REAL TIME UTOPIAS, Götheborg, Sweden (solo)

K3 / Kampnagel Hamburg, Performance, “Total Algorithms…”  

Kino Metropolis Hamburg, The Building, a Scaffold, A Score: Screening of work by Johanna Bruckner  

17th WRO Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw Art Center, Polen


Museum of Contemporary Art, Genova, Villa Croce

Manifesta 11, Zurich at Cabaret Voltaire, Performance Program

Corner College, Zürich, Work, Dance Labour, Johanna Bruckner & Discoteca Flaming Star


Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburger Arbeitsstipendium, Bewerberausstellung

Kunstraum Zürich, Station 21, Johanna Bruckner: Rebel Bodies

Kunstraum Klingental, Basel, Complaining won't burn Calories


Kunsthaus Hamburg, “Macht“

Museum Bärengasse, “Unsettling the Setting“,


Art-Athina 2013, Athens, International Contemporary Art Fair


Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, ‘Working, Weaving, A Line‘ by Yael Davids

‘In search of utopia, three-apartment exhibition, Stockholm

Holidays in Greece, as part of IMPORT EXPORT, Documeta 13, Kassel


Frida Martha Tannhäuser, Berlin, ‘Luxus‘

Videoakt International Video Art Biennial, Barcelona

LOOP Video Art Fair ’10, Barcelona, ‘Indomitable Women‘, curated by Macu Moran

Media Facades Festival Europe 2010, Mobile Dinner

Armory Arts Week, New York, Flux Factory Gallery, New York

Kuma Galerie, Berlin, ‘Johanna Bruckner, JJ Levine‘


Palazzo delle Arti, Naples, MAGMART

VIDEOFORMES 2010; Vidéothèque Ephémère, France


Kuma Galerie, Berlin, Group Show

SLICK ’09 Contemporary Art Fair, Paris, Kuma Galerie


Publications (selected)

Phenomenology of Lecture Performance, ed. by Andrey Shental, with contributions by Hito Steyerl, Ciara Fumai, Uriel Orlow, Johanna Bruckner, et al.

#work, #dance, #labour, #movements: Johanna Bruckner & Discoteca Flamingstar, Corner College Press

On the transmissions of artistic gestures, work by Johanna Bruckner, Intervalla, Volume 5, Franklin University Switzerland

Boycott Grrrrrrrls, edited by Dimitrina Sevova, Tanja Trampe and Nadja Baldini, with work by Johanna Bruckner

 Johanna Bruckner on Art 21, review by Michelle Jubin (CUNY, City University New York)

Feministische Theorie und Kritische Medienkulturanalyse, ed. by Tanja Thomas, Ulla Wischermann, transcript, 2018, with a contribution by Johanna Bruckner

Residencies & Artist Talks




ST+ARTS EC(H)O, TU Dresden


EMAP, European Media Art Platform, iMAL Brussels

CERN Connect Residency Award

Land Niederösterreich, Bundesländeratelier Paliano, IT


London, Whitechapel, Landys & Gyr Foundation, 

Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstifung, for Nepal, Southasia


Novi Sad, Austrian Cultural Forum, Belgrade, Erste Bank Kunstpreis 2022

Fundazion Nairs

Novi Sad, Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade, Erste Bank Mehrwert Kunstpreis 2022


Stadt Zürich Kultur, Atelier stipendium Genova


Jan Van Eyck Academie


LAGO MIO, Lugano, Artist-in-Residence, curated by Benedikt Wyss


Istituto Svizzero, Rome, Artist-in-Residence


Schloss Akademie Solitude / ZKM
Web Residency: "Engineering Care".  


International Fellowship, Sommerakademie Paul Klee, Bern, under the head of Tirdad Zolghadr


The BANFF Center for Visual Arts, Canada, Artist-in-Residence

Atelierstipendium Zurich, “Limited Contract”, Kanton Zürich, 3 month  

Awards and Grants


Medienkunstpreis der Stadt Wien 2022

Pax Art Award

Erste Bank MehrWERT Kunstpreis 2022


Prize for Art & Artificial Intelligence

Kunststipendium of the City of Zurich (fine arts grant) 2021


Several project grants for fine arts by foundations, city councils and further parties (PRO HELVETIA etc.). 

Hamburger Arbeitsstipendium Bildende Kunst 2016
Swiss Young Artist Pro Helvetia Production Grant

The BANFF Center residency, scholarship
Production Grant, City Council Hamburg / Kulturbehörde Hamburg
Production Grant, Hamburg Foundation of the Arts / Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
Atelierstipendium Zürich, Kanon Zürich

‘Arbeits- und Projektstipendium Bildende Kunst‘, ‘Austrian Ministry for Art and Culture‘, (bmukk)

‘Emanuel - and Sophie Fohn“ Foundation, Grant for excellent achievements, Vienna
Scholarship of the IFK Akademie 2012, The International Research Center for Cultural Studies,
University of Fine Art, Linz, with a grant by the Ministry for Research and Science‘, Austria
Begabtenförderung / Year-scholarship für excellent graduates, granted by the Karl H. Ditze Jury, Stipend of the„Freundeskeis der HFBK e.V´.
Grant for selected artists of the HFBK Hamburg to realise a production at the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof ´aus Mitteln der Karl H. Ditze Stiftung´

Production grant to realize the project Mobile Dinner  at the Medienfassadenfestival Europa 2010,
European Commission 07-13, a collaboration with Public Art Lab, Berlin

„Internationales Nachwuchs-Wissenschaftsstipendium“ / Research Grant, KWA, University Vienna
Grant for studies abroad by the University of Vienna for the University of Fine Arts, Berlin (UdK)

High Potential Award for outstanding achievments, University of Vienna
Erasmus-Scholarship, University Utrecht

High Achievement Grants for excellent study results, University of Vienna, annually


I am interested in the conditions of dissolved labour that have been ermerging in response to the technologies of communicative capitalism; often working with social and political references that emerge within the ruptures and struggles of our realities. Dancers and performers are significant in my work, films and video installations; in order to question the relation between subjectivities that are shaped by algorithms, seeking to rearticulate (historic) knowledge and cultural-economic realities.

The flow of information circulating in digital, algorithmic and real-time protocols around the globe serves as an ordering scheme for human knowledge. This “internet of things” is an invitation to the human intellect either to accept and participate or to refuse. How can practices of refusal and resistance be organised in order to offer a counter-hegemony to the total absorption of life into the ever-accelerating machine of capitalist abstraction? How can art contribute to invent a form of intellectual agency capable of affirming a social knowledge that affects the configuration of new relationships within a society of abstract singularities?

My work is an attempt to question the paradoxes and new potentialities of social cohesion in the dissolution of human agency today. Which forms of resistance emerge within the condition of the dissolution of labor? Which kinetic forms of practice could hold these new types of organisations together? If we perceive performance as agonistic moving, as per Chantal Mouffe’s “agonistic thinking”, do we think of labor as “agonistic performance”?


Talks & Lectures


SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Johanna Bruckner in conversation with Matthias Ulrich

MASI, Museum of Contemporary Art of Ticino, Lugano, Artist Talk: Johanna Bruckner in conversation with Benedikt Wyss

TBA 21, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Academy, The Many Oceans Waters, Panel discussion with Johanna Bruckner, Astrida Neimanis, Shanee Stopnitzky and Barbara Casavecchia

(IM)POSSIBLE Bodies, Panel discussion: The Future of Posthumanism with STRP Scenario, with Roanne van Voost, Iris van der Tuin, Johanna Bruckner, Marcel van Brakel, moderated by Annemarie Wisse

Istituto Svizzero, Milano, Barbara Casaecchia in conversation with Johanna Bruckner

Symposium transmediale 2020, panel speaker


2019 Gothenburg University of Art & Design, Lecture: Johanna Bruckner

FHNW Basel, Vortrag, Hyperwerk, MFA, BLOCC: Kunst und Gentrifizierung

Kino Rex, Bern, Screening & Künstlergespräch: Johanna Bruckner im Gespräch mit Martha Kwiatkowski

Displaying Cinematography: (Un-)Building Walls, Designing Architecture; with Johanna Bruckner, Rebekka Kiesewetter, Christian Teckert, Clemens von Wedemeyer, moderiert und konzipiert von Marie-France Rafael, Filme von Johanna Bruckner, Marie-France Rafael, Clemens von Wedemeyer


Perspektivwechsel #5, field notes, Galerie EIGEN+ART Lab, Berlin

Performing Architecture, Goethe-Institute, 16th Venice Biennale, Architecture Exhibition, Sale Docks, panel discussion chaired by Armin Avanessian

Affidamento - Creating Feminist Solidarity in Art & Creating, workshop, Migros Musum of Contemporary Art, Zurich

Black Mountain Re-visited, Symposium, ZHdK, panelist

Kunsthaus Hamburg, Panel discussion, I too, have been seduced by the promise of exposure

Reflektor, PROGR, Bern, Artist Talk

Untertage / Waldhuus, best of visarte Zürich, Artist Talk

Maritime spaces, history, and poetics, Corner College Zurich, with Teti Group


Symposium Mulitasks, ZHdK Zürich; moderation of talks by Quinn Latimer; Madeleine Amsler; Lena Maria Thüring & Samuel Leuenberger; Peter Schneemann

Artist Talk: Daniel Kulle in conversation with Johanna Bruckner, Kino Metropolis, Hamburg

SCAFFOLD. Workshop organised and moderated by Johanna Bruckner; with invited participants Luisa Lorenza Corna, Merve Bedir, Abhijan Gupta, Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg


Artist Talks: Johanna Bruckner in conversation with Stephan Dillemuth; Ane Hjort Guttu; Francesco Urbano Ragazzi; ZHdK Zürich

Screening and introduction of works by Marwa Arsanios; Sarah Abu Abdallah, ZHdK Zürich


Artist Talk: Nina Möntmann in conversation with Johanna Bruckner, Y8 Hamburg

Artist Talk: Dorothee Richter in conversation with Johanna Bruckner, ZHdK Zürich & Museum Bärengasse, Zürich

Artist Talk: Katja Schröder in conversation with Johanna Bruckner, Kunsthaus Hamburg

Artist Talk: Choreography of Resistance, station 21 Zurich, Anke Hoffmann in conversation with Johanna Bruckner and Stefanie Knobl

Lecture: Lecture: Rebel Bodies, Johanna Bruckner, invited by Roberto Nigro, Zurich University of the Arts

Co-organisation of the symposium "imbued with soft infinities", together with Christian Hübler and Jörg Franzbecker; ZHdK, Zürich

Artist Talk, Johanna Bruckner, „folgendes“, in conversation with Marius Henderson and Wiebke Schwarzhans. HFBK, Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg

Lecture: ‘Subjekte der Potenzialität‘, Zurich University of the Arts
Workshop/ Seminar: ‘Subjekte der Potenzialität‘, Zurich University of the Arts
Lecture: ‘Surplus beyond Accumulation. Notes on Intensified Time and the Labor of Art:
Towards an ethics of social intensification‘. IFK_Academy,
Paper for the section ‘The Flow in the experiment of the arts‘

Lecture: Feminist International Forum, Talk on, ‘The Biopolitical Body and the Affective Turn‘,
BAC Batiment Art Contemporain, Geneve, as part of ETERNAL TOUR 2008-2012, University of Geneve
Lecture and Workshop at the Conference ‘We, the Public‘, Kunstmuseum Luzern
University Luzern, Schweiz, SARN Swiss Artistic Research Network
Presentation on ‘Artistic Research and Public Space‘, Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm, 2012


Artist talk between Johanna Bruckner and Michelle Jubin, CUNY Graduate Center, City University New York, New York City
Presentation at EUFRAD, The European Forum for Research Degrees in Art and Design, Stockholm
Lecture: What signifies a critical institution?
Practice Based Research, Conference, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
LOOP Video Art Fair, Barcelona; Conference Programm, Speaker in the panel ‘Curating Urban Screens‘

Space:resolutions, International Conference for Research and Intervention in Visual Cultures,
Vienna University of Technology, presentation




Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg / Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg
Fine Arts, Time-based Media and Bühnenbild; with Michaela Melian, Matt Mullican and Jesko Fezer
Degree: Master in Fine Arts (with distinction)

Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm, Advanced Program for Professional Artistic Development, Artistic Research

Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Cultural and Critical Studies, Diplom
University of Fine Arts, Berlin, research semester to compelete the final thesis, Certificate

University of Vienna, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Visual Cultures, Gender Studies
Degree: Master of philosophy (with distinction)

University of Utrecht, Cultural and Social Anthropology (Erasmus program, University of Vienna, 12 month

University of Vienna, International Development